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Care este versiunea curenta de IPB 4?



Versiunea curenta de IPB 4 in momentul scrierii acestui articol este, insa ca sa verificati unde s-a ajuns si cu ce vine nou fiecare versiune in parte, altfel spus, sa urmariti evolutia, tot ce trebuie sa faceti este sa accesati aceasta pagina: https://community.invisionpower.com/release-notes/

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Te-ai inregistrat? Ne-ar placea sa te prezinti.

Cum pot sustine forumul?
Cumpara de la eMag folosind acest link.

18 answers to this question

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Versiunea curentă este 4.1.19 care a apărut acum două zile, cât de curând vor trece la versiunea 4.2 :D așteptăm să vedem ce vor schimba deoarece au promis câteva mici schimbări utile:



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IPS Community Suite 4.2.6

Released 11/14/2017

Key Changes

This is a maintenance release to fix reported bugs. Other changes include:

  • RSS feeds now use guest page caching system
  • Analytic tracking code has been moved to inside head tag
  • Ad code placement has a new setting to clarify how sidebar display should be handled
  • Various enhancements to Redis engine including data stored encrypted at rest
  • Search result improvements 
  • 0

IPS Community Suite 4.4.1

Released 03/08/2019

Key Changes

Version 4.4.1 is a small maintenance update to fix issues reported since 4.4.0.

Additional Information


  • Improved auto-upgrader for Community In The Cloud clients when an unexpected failure is detected.
  • Added AdminCP search keywords to aid in finding certain new features in 4.4.x.
  • Made several adjustments to HTTP/2 push/preloading to improve overall performance of most requests and resolve minor bugs.
  • Changed database connector so that a database connection is only established once it is actually needed.
  • Improved performance of 4.4.0 upgrades for sites with lots of members.
  • Improved performance of content item and comment sidebar blocks restricted to specific containers.
  • Improved Post Before Registering to allow the user to remove their submission and email address.
  • Changed the error message for a failed login the same regardless of the reason for extra security.
  • Fixed an issue where guest "post before register" submissions may show up in widgets before the guest registers.
  • Fixed an SQL error during the 4.4.0 upgrade in some environments.
  • Fixed several areas in the suite where images were not "lazy-loaded" as expected.
  • Fixed link styling in announcement banners making the text difficult to read in some browsers.
  • Fixed an issue where private conversations may incorrectly get flagged for automatic moderation.
  • Fixed miscellaneous HTML markup errors.
  • Fixed an issue where users could encounter an error by logging in with a new social account after already associating with a social account.
  • Fixed some issues with the "Emails failing to send" AdminCP notification.
  • Fixed frontend upgrade notice linking to the frontend instead of ACP.
  • Fixed Application icon getting lost when the datastore is flushed.
  • Fixed 'Error is logged' AdminCP Notification displaying incorrectly.
  • Fixed an issue where the newsletter signup block was showing an error to guests.
  • Fixed incorrect colors showing in the visual theme editor when creating a new easy mode theme.
  • Fixed an issue visiting certain URLs when a community is installed into specifically named subdirectories.
  • Fixed the email statistics setting not showing the correctly saved value.
  • Fixed an issue with button spacing on mobile.
  • Fixed an issue where streams may go missing if a guest member object is deleted.
  • Fixed a styling issue on certain forms such as the AdminCP notification preferences form when using locales with a comma as the decimal separator.
  • Fixed an issue where pagination may not work when 'rewrite FURLs' is not enabled.
  • Fixed posts not retaining code syntax highlighting with some code languages.
  • Fixed an issue where private conversations can be very slow to search.
  • Fixed an issue with the Emoji shortcode popup when lazy load and Twitter Emoji are used.
  • Fixed an issue with the setting for "Users can see records posted by other users" not being honored.
  • Fixed some issues related to setting a custom start url in the web manifest.
  • Fixed an issue where the prune members background task may stall if it encounters a staff account.
  • Fixed an edge case issue where it was possible for the lazy load rebuild to affect embedded videos.

Core - REST

  • Fixed disabled applications showing in the REST API area of the AdminCP.
  • Fixed the Invision to Invision OAuth 2 login handler attempting to sync letter photos.


  • Improved performance of the post feed widget.


  • Removed Braintree option for new payment gateways.
  • Removed the package moderation ability for moderators on the frontend.
  • Removed a recommendation to switch to Braintree during upgrade.
  • Restored ability to set up PayPal Billing Agreements.
  • Fixed upgrading of expired purchases resulting in account credit being issued.
  • Fixed inconsistent styling being applied to the Latest Products sidebar block.
  • Made the grid vs list view theme setting translatable.
  • Fixed an error viewing hosting accounts.
  • Fixed PayPal checkouts through Braintree failing when tax is applied to the purchase.
  • Fixed a missing language string when managing hosting accounts.
  • Fixed an issue with configuring Braintree, if you have had any issues please open and re-save the Braintree settings.
  • Fixed an issue where paid support request custom fields would show for none paid support departments.
  • Fixed an issue where viewing a product may not work under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed a duplicated HTML element ID (which prevents the page from passing as "valid HTML").
  • Fixed an issue where the Facebook Pixel for purchase events was missing currency and value.


  • Fixed an issue where reciprocal "back links" may be incorrectly deleted from records.
  • Fixed an issue where importing a database would fail.
  • Fixed a potential upgrade issue if orphaned data was present.


  • Fixed an issue where notifications for new images can send indefinitely.
  • Fixed an error attempting to move all albums from a category to another category in the AdminCP.


  • Fixed an issue where notifications for new files can send indefinitely.
  • Fixed issues with Downloads files linked to Commerce packages that are deleted.


  • Fixed a styling issue with the blog header on mobile.
  • Clarified that guests will bypass the post before register feature when guests have the "Can comment on blog entries" Group Setting is enabled.


  • Fixed issues converting tags for database records in some cases.

Changes affecting third-party developers and designers

  • Made Commerce Gateways extensible by removing hardcoded namespace paths to Gateway classes.
  • Changed the FileStorage skeleton file so that a new instance does not cause a PHP error by default.
  • The Widget skeleton file was updated to follow the new 4.4.0 logic for widget display options.
  • Fixed an issue cloning custom fields if non-standard column names are used.
  • Trying to set an invalid value for a setting will result in an InvalidArgumentException.
  • Automatic moderation will now only be applied to content types that implement \IPS\Content\Hideable as this is required for automatic moderation to function correctly.
  • Fixed an ErrorException occurring during content promotion when Facebook is set up but no Facebook Pages have been linked for promoting.
  • Fixed an ErrorException that can occur if you attempt to upgrade/downgrade a package without renewal options in Commerce while IN_DEV.
  • The frontend template controlStrip now supports specifying the target attribute for links.
  • Fixed an ErrorException occurring when a user receives their first PM during the instantNotifications AJAX polling.

steam // last.fm // anilist // spotify // portfolio
most of the time i spent listening to music and produce music.

  • 0

IPS Community Suite 4.4.3

Released 05/15/2019

Key Changes

Version 4.4.3 is a small maintenance update to fix issues reported since 4.4.2.

Additional Information


  • Fixed an XSS concern deleting members in the AdminCP.
  • Fixed an XSS concern managing Downloads versions from the changelog view.
  • Fixed a minor XXE possibility in blog RSS imports.


  • Upgraded CKEditor to 4.11.4.
  • Updated LinkedIn login handler to use the LinkedIn v2 API.
  • Improved performance when merging two comments with duplicated member reactions for large sites.
  • Improved performance when working with edit history logs.
  • Improved security of how passwords are handled in the code to decrease the likelihood of a password being included in an error log.
  • Improved the display of the upgrader confirmation page.
  • Improved performance of the latest activity stream shown on user profiles.
  • Improved anonymous log in tracking to resolve an issue with "Since my last visit" activity streams
  • Improved the UX configuring moderator permissions for clubs, including the ability to disable club-level moderators.
  • Improved database error reporting in certain error situations.
  • Improved performance of a 4.1.8 upgrader step.
  • Changed AdminCP notifications for "A new member has completed registration" and "A member is flagged as a spammer" to show all applicable members grouped into a single notification, rather than a separate notification for each member. This change gives a significant performance improvement for sites which have lots of new registrations.
  • Fixed multiple formatting concerns with custom profile fields.
  • Fixed an issue where restoring soft-deleted content would throw an exception under specific circumstances ( e.g. when there was no record in the soft deletion log ).
  • Fixed an issue where the member group restriction to require one piece of approved content before users can bypass content moderation was not correctly applied to posts made before registering.
  • Fixed an issue where deleting a member's content and then deleting the member may result in the content not being removed.
  • Fixed SVG images breaking when served through the built in image proxy.
  • Fixed an issue with profile completion if you choose not to upload a profile photo.
  • Fixed third party processor information not showing when users are forced to reaccept an updated privacy policy.
  • Fixed the "Remove followers from uncommented content" setting not working.
  • Fixed an issue where clicking to delete a member twice might result in all status updates being removed from the search index.
  • Fixed an issue where copying content from one area with an attached image and pasting into another area may result in a broken image.
  • Fixed an issue where allowing a user to moderate comments, but not items, would result in an error when using the multi-moderation menu.
  • Fixed inability to edit profile fields by members if the field was not displayed on the profile.
  • Fixed invalid HTML in the quick search form.
  • Fixed an issue where a comment or post made before registering which requires moderator approval after the registration is completed may not update the container flag to indicate that comments within the container require approval.
  • Fixed an error where the member view in the AdminCP may become broken if the member history for the user includes an old subscription group change and Commerce is not installed.
  • Fixed an issue where broken letter photos may be displayed in emails.
  • Fixed an issue with clean up tasks where they may try to delete a member that doesn't exist.
  • Fixed an error that can occur if you double click the "unfollow" button quickly.
  • Fixed autosaved content in the editor not clearing out when it was deleted within the editor.
  • Fixed an issue where MFA while the login would send 3 'new device' emails to the member instead of only one.
  • Fixed an issue where attachment links inserted into content may have a hard coded URL.
  • Fixed an upgrade issue where custom file storage configurations in 3.x may not be preserved correctly when upgrading to 4.x.
  • Fixed an uncaught exception when visiting a specifically malformed follow link.
  • Fixed attachment bbcode tags not converting correctly when upgrading from version 2.0 or older.
  • Fixed the About Me default custom field not showing on new installs.
  • Fixed email statistic charts so they report more accurately.
  • Fixed issues with performing advanced member searches in the AdminCP when multi-select custom profile fields are present.
  • Fixed a minor inconsistency with group name formatting.
  • Fixed an issue rebuilding certain meta data in Elasticsearch.
  • Fixed an issue where items and comments queued for deletion or submitted by a guest prior to registration are returned via the REST API.
  • Fixed an error when searching a specific search string.
  • Fixed a possible error that can occur during login when using the post before register feature.
  • Fixed the Notification Settings form in the Admin CP so that it can save properly.
  • Fixed an issue where Login Handlers were shown out of order.
  • Fixed an issue where the canonical link HTML tag may include unnecessary query string parameters (i.e. filters).
  • Fixed an issue where AdminCP settings search results were not always highlighted when clicked on.
  • Fixed an issue where the pagination for comment and review areas wouldn't link directly to the comments area when Javascript is disabled.
  • Fixed an issue where content item and comment widgets would show content from not specified categories.
  • Fixed an issue where editor auto saved content may not be removed.
  • Fixed an issue where some content may not show a report link.
  • Removed the hide signatures toggles from guests when they are able to see signatures.
  • Prevented search engine spiders from following the cookie notice dismissal link.
  • Removed poll votes from showing in the All Activity stream.
  • Removed ability to copy theme settings.
  • Removed the unread indicator in several widgets because it can't be used there because of the widget cache.
  • Removed the ability to toggle cover photos in clubs list when no image was uploaded.
  • Fixed an issue where the support tool could incorrectly report undiagnosed problems.
  • Fixed missing images when lazy loading is enabled in several areas.
  • Fixed an HTML validation issue with mini-pagination next to multi-page content item titles.
  • Fixed an uncaught exception which is thrown by the Admin Notification System.
  • Fixed member validation display issue in ACP notifications page while mobile.
  • Fixed attachments being added to an editor which has attachments disabled.
  • Fixed an issue where a display name sync error may be displayed on the AdminCPmember profile.
  • Fixed two language strings where countries have changed their names: Macedonia is now North Macedonia and Swaziland is now Eswatini.
  • Fixed some broken messenger related links.

Core - Clubs

  • Fixed "Clubs" tab showing when splitting content even if clubs are disabled.
  • Fixed display issue with club tabs on mobile devices
  • Removed ability to reorder club tabs on mobile devices


  • Fixed a duplicated error code in the topics REST API endpoints.
  • Fixed images used in forum rules not displaying when image lazy loading is enabled.
  • Fixed a potential upgrade error when reformatting forum rules during the 4.0.0 upgrade routine.


  • Added an additional subtotal language phrase to the cart summary for localization flexibility.
  • Improved legacy parser to potentially allow conversions of tables in content.
  • Changed renewal terms to not allow $0 renewals.
  • Fixed an error occurring submitting new tickets when read/write database separation is enabled.
  • Fixed an issue where up/downgrading a purchase could result in an error or the expiry date changing incorrectly.
  • Fixed an issue where a cancelled subscription may still generate a renewal invoice (and subsequently charge the user).
  • Fixed tax class being lost with renewal terms in some cases.
  • Fixed an issue where images may not show in printable invoices if lazyload is enabled.
  • Fixed support stream date-based filters producing incorrect results.
  • Fixed stock action text not defaulting in the form when creating a new ticket from the AdminCP if you do not use a signature.
  • Fixed an issue where the password field on the store checkout form might disappear if using Chrome's password autofill feature.
  • Fixed an issue where invoices may not have a billing address set when one is available.
  • Fixed an issue where a template error may be thrown for non-recurring subscriptions.
  • Fixed a missing language string if you had servers configured prior to upgrading to 4.4.
  • Fixed adding a custom package to an invoice.
  • Fixed an exception being logged when rebuilding the search index if any custom packages have been created.
  • Fixed the PayPal Billing Agreements radio element not showing selected if BAs are enabled.
  • Fixed an issue where files uploaded to a custom field may not be downloadable.
  • Removed a stray HTML end tag.
  • Restored Braintree gateway option. Included a disclaimer about qualification process.


  • Fixed an issue where cloning a custom field would result in a database error.
  • Fixed an issue on the media page where the "File Overview" Tab was not set as activated and also not clickable when one or more files from the file list were selected.
  • Added last modified date to database category and record sitemaps.


  • Changed the reputation type flag for album comments and reviews to resolve bugs where the reputation may be mistakingly treated as if it belongs to an image comment or review.
  • Fixed an issue submitting images to an album if the category requires moderator approval.
  • Fixed an error that can occur when downloading the original image in Gallery if the original image is missing on disk by forcing the largest available size to download instead.
  • Fixed image lazy loading not working correctly in category rules, descriptions and custom error messages.
  • Fixed the submission dialog box potentially showing an incorrect dialog title.
  • Fixed an issue where uploaded videos could not be played in the lightbox.
  • Fixed editor showing twice for each image during submission.


  • Added a group setting that will allow users to bypass download restrictions when downloading a file that's been purchased.
  • Added the ability to shut off version numbers per-category.
  • Improved the header styling on the homepage.
  • Improved performance, especially of the index page.
  • Reduced top spacing (margin) of the sidebar when viewing the index page.
  • Fixed an issue where custom fields may show out of order.


  • Fixed an issue where the previous and next link under the blog entry could link to hidden or soft deleted entries.
  • Fixed some minor UI issues with the "Blogs" widget.


  • Added an option to prevent edits and RSVPs for events that have passed.

REST & OAuth

  • Fixed the search REST API endpoint.


  • Improved vBulletin archive redirects.
  • Improved vBulletin blog conversions to retain the date the blog or blog entry was followed.
  • Fixed an issue where converted members won't be marked as completed.
  • Fixed an issue when trying to convert from a platform with converters for apps that are not installed.
  • Fixed an issue where PM replies may be duplicated when converting from vBulletin.
  • Fixed an issue with converting comments from Vanilla.


  • Fixed an edge case issue where some legacy customers may be unable to use the AdminCP upgrader.

Changes affecting third-party developers and designers

Backwards-incompatible changes that may affect third party applications / plugins:

  • Methods that handle passwords in login handlers (authenticateUsernamePassword(), authenticatePasswordForMember(), changePassword()) now receive an object which can be cast to a string, rather than a normal string, for the password. This reduces the likelihood of a password being included in an error log.
  • The onPassChange MemberSync callback now receives an object which can be cast to a string, rather than a normal string, for the password. This reduces the likelihood of a password being included in an error log.

Enhancements / fixes for developers:

  • Added a new constant \IPS\DEV_LOG_HEADERS which allows you to log all headers being sent during responses.
  • Better abstracted code that dynamically builds class paths for areas that are no longer using iterators.
  • Improved some extension skeleton files to not cause a ParseError once the extension is created.
  • Fixed color fields not initializing for new rows added in a manageable matrix.

Fixes that only affect developer mode or third party apps/plugins:

  • Fixed some functions not being called from the root namespace and throwing warnings when in developer mode.
  • Fixed an undefined index loading form to add a new hosting server in Commerce.

Code-level fixes that may have been causing bugs in third party apps/plugins:

  • Added code comments to all of the default constant values in init.php explaining what they all do.
  • Ensured all default wizard instances are cast as a string before being sent to the output handler.
  • Fixed an issue when pluralization and sprintf functionality is used together and the placeholder is used in the pluralized string.
  • Fixed an issue with post before register where it was assumed content items would have a container.
  • Fixed an exception when post before registering is checked against a content item that supports reviews but not comments.
  • Fixed some ambiguous column concerns with the \IPS\Content\Item::_comments()method.
  • Fixed an issue editing titles via Ajax when the item class does not use containers.
  • Fixed an issue where the release date may not show correctly for third party plugins or themes.
  • Fixed some functions not being called from the root namespace and throwing an IN_DEV warning.
  • Fixed the widget configuration form being called twice which may result in some form elements duplicating.
  • Improved some extension skeleton files to not cause a ParseError once the extension is created.

steam // last.fm // anilist // spotify // portfolio
most of the time i spent listening to music and produce music.

  • 0

IPS Community Suite 4.5.4

Released 11/05/2020

Key Changes

This is a maintenance release to fix bugs.

Additional Information


  • Changed follow pruning to not prune member follows.
  • Changed deprecated phpredis zSize alias calls to use the proper zCardmethod call instead.
  • Optimized the Legacy Parser (used in 3.x upgrades and conversions) when it's used more than once in one process.
  • Clarified content anonymization option on Member REST API delete documentation.
  • Clarified visibility option for feed widget blocks.
  • Optimized the prune IP Address process.
  • Updated Mapbox API calls to be compatible with newer Static Tiles API.
  • Reduced MySQL query count in some areas.
  • Losing merged topics now redirect to the winning topic when accessed via search engines, bookmarks, etc.
  • Removed 'unread' dot from messenger list since it did not behave consistently with other places in the suite. 
  • Added a support tool and upgrader check to verify that InnoDB tables are not using Compact row format.
  • Added some canonical tags for SEO purposes.
  • Added the ability to rebuild historical posted content to change the 'rel' attributes of links.
  • Added a missing language string present in certain form elements asking for time intervals.
  • Applied a change to prevent Ezoic preventing the Marketplace login process.
  • Applied limits to CSS width, height and border-width properties for posted content to prevent page layout concerns.
  • Reduced overhead when using S3 with a PNG favicon image.
  • Fixed an issue where attachments are not properly claimed for status updates.
  • Fixed an issue where newly submitted content may appear unread initially.
  • Fixed an error resending failed emails from the email error logs.
  • Fixed "someone linked to your content" notifications sending duplicates when editing the content containing the link.
  • Fixed an issue where edit log history may show that entries are pruned after "-1 days".
  • Fixed an issue with certain templates that caused them to always be flagged as modified in every release.
  • Fixed an issue where theme setting changes could take affect in the AdminCP.
  • Fixed an issue with tag URLs that contain ampersands (&) in the tag.
  • Fixed an issue with the database checker adjusting database indexes.
  • Fixed an issue where reported content shows as unread if there are no item markers stored for the member.
  • Fixed an issue where disabled registrations prevented new users from being able to set a local password.
  • Colors for active pagination items have been updated to use the pagination_active theme setting.
  • Fixes an issue where caching prevented an updated resource image from being displayed.
  • Fixed an error with large files that have extremely long filenames.
  • Fixed an error when S3 buckets have a dot ('.') in the bucket name which resulted in broken download URLs.
  • Fixed an issue where uninstalling plugins would not clean up block manager configuration.
  • Fixed an issue with the permission matrix where checking an entire column also checks disabled checkboxes.
  • Fixed an issue where old image proxy URLs may not properly return a 410 Gone response to search engines.
  • Fixed broken links to comments that have been promoted on the Our Picks page.
  • Fixed an issue with the main navigation bar support link in the AdminCP that may launch the support wizard in the last saved step.
  • Fixed an issue where the JS controller auto-loader may not work.
  • Fixed a layout issue when managing advertisements in the AdminCP.
  • Fixed a minor grammar issue present when configuring club moderators in the AdminCP.
  • Fixed some minor broken HTML tags in club headers.
  • Fixed an issue where in extremely rare cases, the MySQL database password may be included in debug information for administrators in the AdminCP.
  • Fixed an issue where some streams incorrectly state there is no more activity to view.
  • Fixed an issue where dropdown menu items could not be re-ordered.
  • Fixed an issue where links to new items in personal messages could be incorrect.
  • Fixed an issue where Redis could consume a lot of memory on busy sites.
  • Fixed an issue where announcements with a far past date could cause an error.
  • Fixed an issue where the per content item moderator approval permission would not apply correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where dismissing an AdminCP notification may not take effect until the page is refreshed.
  • Fixed a missing upgrader language string.


  • Adjusted default archiving configuration for Community In The Cloud customers.
  • Fixed an issue where search index permissions may not be updated correctly when toggling "can view other topics" setting.
  • Fixed Archived Posts throwing an error when a newly archived post is in Our Picks.
  • Fixed per-forum themes not working correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where long Hidden Reasons in posts would cause an overflow.
  • Fixed a missing javascript confirmation when clicking "Mark forum as read" from within a forum.
  • Fixed "Most Votes" forum sorting option being presented in non Q&A forums.
  • Fixed an issue where moved topic links, merged topic links and deleted topics and posts were counted in ACP statistic graphs.
  • Fixed an issue where merging topics would not update the topic summary.
  • Fixed an issue where topic and post 'by forum' statistics could time out when there are numerous forums.
  • Fixed an issue where the URL for the latest comment in an archived question would show an EX0.


  • Fixed an issue where long strings such as code blocks may stretch the page layout in databases.
  • Fixed an issue importing databases with multiple upload fields.
  • Fixed an issue where thumbnail settings for record images were lost when importing a database.
  • Fixed an issue where comments have padding removed after editing when comments are linked to a forum.
  • Fixed an issue uploading some images as record images in Pages using Firefox.
  • Fixed an issue where it was not possible to have more than one unique field left empty.


  • Restored a task that helps keep PayPal billing agreements in sync.
  • Added an option to manually check PayPal billing agreements for any missed transactions.
  • Fixed an error attempting to downgrade an expired subscription.
  • Fixed an issue where the VAT number input would show as required.
  • Fixed an error checking out using PayPal and Braintree in certain configurations.
  • Fixed an error using an Upload field type as a custom customer field.
  • Fixed an issue where active subscription badges could appear on top of menus.
  • Fixed broken HTML in the "Featured Product" widget.
  • Fixed possible timeout when applying discounts to high values.


  • Fixed an issue with weekly recurring events that recurred less frequently than every week.


  • Removed the ability to renew a paid file when the member cannot download the file.
  • Fixed an error adding custom fields if Commerce is not installed, or if paid file integration is disabled.


  • Fixed an issue where the link to albums was missing from new image email notifications.
  • Fixed a performance issue with the Gallery when clubs are enabled but set not to show throughout the community.


  • Added 'edit name' and 'edit reason' to posts converted from phpBB.
  • Fixed an issue where converted phpBB word filters may be too greedy.
  • Fixed an issue where banned members were not banned after conversion from phpBB.

Changes affecting third-party developers and designers

  • Added a new constant DEV_DISABLE_ACP_SESSION_TIMEOUT that allows developers (IN_DEV must be enabled) to disable the ACP session timeout check.
  • Creating a plugin now creates a 1.0.0 version entry by default.
  • Updated the Notifications extension template.
  • Removed the undoOnly parameter in the /core/members/{id}/warning/{id} deletion endpoint and added a deleteOnly parameter in its place.
  • Removed an unused variable in the \IPS\Helpers\Form::customTemplate() method.
  • Clarified an error message that can occur when installing a plugin with IN_DEV enabled.
  • Fixed an issue with applying template hooks to core > front > modcp > reports.
  • Fixed some various REST API bugs.
  • Fixed an issue where CSS templates weren't imported while installing a plugin while IN_DEV is enabled.

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