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Everything posted by FML

  1. - Iubitule, mie îmi place la nebunie Mozart! - Bănuiam eu că mă inșeli! Piei din fața mea, du-te la Mozart să te plimbe cu maşina!
  2. Ce - i asa de '' wow '' ... ? Eu am aceeasi curiozitate ca si mao si d'asta l - am citat , in loc sa mai scriu eu acelasi lucru din nou ... Stii ce urat face monitorul meu ...
  3. Eu sincer n - am auzit de magazinul asta .
  4. Se putea sa nu zici tu ceva de mine .
  5. u headmaster vs Hell_Spawn
  6. Nevermind , there's nothing about ... well , the forum itself ... I've sent this part of it to someone and it's watched like a kind of a CV which will prove my skills as an IT helper along with my english capabilities ... If the 1st can't be certain as long as I'm so young to work in an IT company ... ,the 2nd has to offer at least something decent and to be there ... I thought here's my ''' way '' to evolve my english skills among with critics and so on ... I've been so wrong ... Not only that I've been left out of my own suggestion [ as you can see , it's a huge lack of co-op ] , but when I give you [ and I really do] the chance to say '' it's enough '' , you're against me again ...
  7. O intrebare de incepator ... Ieri m - am jucat cu 1 terminal pe Android . Semana izbitor cu ce mi - ai aratat tu din Linux ... Comanda de - am folosit - o [ am inlocuit aplicatia x cu aplicatia y , din radacina , ambele facand acelasi lucru , primordial procesului ] era foarte simpla ... N - am facut altceva decat sa dau permisiuni de admin [ su ] si dupa continuasem cu executarea unui fisier [ am scris toata calea lui ] . sh /sdcard/mw/root.sh - vezi link Link : http://www.w0lfdroid.com/2013/11/How-to-Remove-Replace-VRoot-Chinese-superuser-with-SuperSU.html . E la fel de simplu si pe Linux [ '' sudo '' pentru admin , etc . ] ? Ma refer , comenzile astea din terminale , n - ar trebui sa semene sau chiar sa fie acelasi ?
  8. For what ? It won't bother anyone, but wouldn't help either .
  9. 85 users are online (in the past 15 minutes) 6 members, 78 guests, 1 anonymous users (See full list) Terror*, Google, Yahoo, Bing, Tunning, +d@niel, +duL @, Alin Cristian, +Vlad Alexandru, johnnya06 0 users active in live chat There are no members talking in live chat at the moment
  10. Poate chiar sa sune la relatii cu clientii : https://shop.sony.eu/shop/mimes/openAccess/legal/contact-us/contact_ro_RO.html . In acelasi timp , comunitatea lor te ajuta online , etc .
  11. Thanks , Courage . It really makes me feel a lot better .
  12. Stii ... '' mai bine mai tarziu decat niciodata . '' L . E : Spor in continuare .
  13. Maine nu se lanseaza doar GTA V [ 5 ] ci si MK X [ 10 ] .
  14. Thanks . Where are you from , mate ?
  15. Ken Nu era baiat rau . VladOac vs tazzy
  16. Boooring .
  17. Vlad alex008 vs PAUL XX
  18. Multumesc , asemenea .
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